Jamaican Film and Animation studios participated in the Kidscreen Summit, an event focused on facilitating business in the global children’s entertainment industry. The film industry promotion mission was part of the Business of Sustainability for Studios (BOSS)...
More people are sharing photos, videos and text in stories across apps than ever before. In fact, 68% of people that use Facebook’s family of apps say they use stories on at least 3 apps regularly, and 63% plan to use stories more in the future. Since the launch...
KINGSTON, Jamaica — As part of the Business of Sustainability for Studios (BOSS) project, Jamaica Promotions Corporation (JAMPRO) and the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM), led representatives from eight animation and film/TV production studios to the Marché...
The Jamaica Chamber of Commerce under the theme “People, Purpose & Passion”, will host its 36th Annual Awards Ceremony at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel on Tuesday, June 26. The annual awards divided into the categories, Best of Chamber Extra Large, Large,...
Jamaica will join over 150 countries participating in Earth Hour on March 29. It is the single largest symbolic mass participation event in the world which celebrates a commitment to the planet by switching off lights for one designated hour. This global campaign...